10 reasons why you should include Oranges in your diet

There is something refreshing about Oranges. Available all year round, oranges are one of the most popular and preferred fruits in India. The myriad of health benefits of oranges accompanied with the sweet yet tangy flavor and scrumptious raw orange slices make orange the super food that you cannot escape from.

Why should you include oranges in your diet?

  1. Effective against cancer – Oranges are rich in Vitamin C and a citrus called limonoids which is proven to be effective in reducing the risk of cancer especially skin cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Cancer survivors have found oranges to be effective in keeping away the metallic taste post chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The Vitamin A compounds in oranges are also effective in protecting against liver cirrhosis.
  2. Good for the kidneys – Research has found that regular consumption of Orange juice or orange slices can reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.
  3. Heart healthy – Oranges are a rich source of antioxidants and soluble fibre which helps lower LDL cholesterol levels. Regular consumption of oranges helps in reducing the onset of plaque in the arteries and helps keep the heart healthy. The potassium content in oranges also is helpful for patients who have irregular heart beat or arrhythmia.
  4. Builds immunity – Oranges are rich in vitamin C which helps boost the immune system and protects the body from any damage from free radicals. The polyphenols found in oranges are helpful in fighting against viral infections.
  5. Stimulates gastrointestinal health – Oranges are a rich source of dietary fibres which helps maintain gastrointestinal health. The dietary fibre and the vitamin C encourage the production of digestive juices that encourage digestion.
  6. Excellent for eyes – Oranges, like carrots are rich in carotenoid compounds which convert into Vitamin A and help prevent any muscular degeneration in the eyes. It also helps reduce the onset of cataracts.
  7. Helps regulate high blood pressure – Oranges are heart healthy and are extremely beneficial for people with blood pressure ailments. The magnesium and potassium content in the oranges helps reduce high blood pressure levels and reduce the risk and complications with the sudden spike in blood pressure.
  8. Prevents aging – The high antioxidant levels in oranges protect the skin against any form of damage and keeps it looking fresh and young.
  9. Excellent for diabetics – Oranges have a low glycaemic index of 40 which means that when consumed the oranges do not spike the blood sugar levels.
  10. Perfect weigh loss remedy – The low glycaemic levels also mean that oranges are alkaline in nature and are a great ingredient to include in a diet especially if one is looking to lose weight.

So what are you waiting for? Have an orange every day and stay healthy!

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